Associating device information with DEP devices

If you use the DEP feature to set up a device, you must associate the device information in BizMobile Go! with the DEP device information.


For instructions on how to create BizMobile Go! Device information and how to prepare various kitting information, please refer to the Device Check-in page.


Associating device information in the web console

This section describes the procedure for associating device information from the BizMobile Go! web console.


1. When the DEP function is enabled, the [[DEP Enrollment]] field will appear in the bottom of the Device Creator Edit screen.


Item Description
Use DEP to Enroll turn ON
DEP Enrollment Method

Select how the DEP device is authenticated during device setup.

You can choose one of the following opetions:

  • Serial

  • Key Code


This is displayed when [[Serial]] is selected in the [[DEP Enrolment Method]]

Enter the serial number of the DEP device.


2. Click [[Save]] button.


Note: Registered device information cannot be edited if the device has already been checked in or withdrawn.


Associating multiple devices together

Device information can be associated together for multiple devices using a CSV file.


CSV file specifications

  • The first line of the CSV file is a header item name, and please make it as the format specification. Depending on the column you enter, you can register and update your data in the following pattern

  • All information is created and updated in bulk (users and devices are associated with each other)

  • Batch creation and update of device information only

  • Create and update only user information at once

  • Header item names are without spaces.

  • The description of the CSV file is case-sensitive. However, only the device's control number is case-insensitive. (e.g., "DEVICE01" and "device01" are considered to be the same.)


★: Required

◯: Blank space is also acceptable



Header field name Description All Devices


UserName ID that uniquely identifies the user
Name User's name
EmailAddress EmailAddress
UserDescription Information that can be entered at the user's discretion.
Organizations The organization ID of the organization to which the user belongs. (*1)
Identifier ID that uniquely identifies the device
Template Templates to associate with devices (*2)
Code The code used to check in. Automatic generation in case of blanks
OS "iOS"
DeviceTags Name of the device tag to set for the device. (*3)  
WifiMac Wi-Fi MAC address to restrict device check-in
IMEI IMEI address to restrict device check-in
MEID MEID address to restrict device check-in
UDID UDID address to restrict device check-in
Serial Specifie the serial number of the DEP device.
ExpirationDays Number of days until check-in expires
DisplayName Nicknames to attach to the device, etc.
Description Arbitrarily enterable information for the device
RegistrationEmail The email address you use to check in. (*4)
DEPMethod Specify the DEP enrol method; "Serial" or "Keycode" (*5)      


(*1) You need to create the appropriate [Organizations] in advance. To set multiple Organizations, separate them with "|". If you don't use device tags, you don't need this item.

(*2) You need to create the appropriate [Template] in advance

(*3) You need to create the appropriate [Device Tag] in advance. To set multiple device tags, separate them with "|". If you don't use device tags, you don't need this item.

(*4) Check-in emails will be sent each time you enter your email address and save or update your device information.

(*5) You can associate device information with DEP information by creating this item and specifying a value to create or update a device.


The handling of blanks for each record is as follows

value in CSV when create when update
blank no value is created clear the registered value
not blank apply the CSV value apply the CSV value


Examples 1: When creating associated Users and Devices with Serial numbers

user0001,Test User 1,,User description 1,apple001,,,ios,,,,,AAABBBCCCDDD,,iOS Device 1,,,Serial
user0002,Test User 2,,User description 2,apple002,,,ios,,,,,BBBCCCDDDAAA,,iOS Device 2,,,Serial

Example 2: When only creating Devices with Serial numbers

,,,,apple001,,,ios,,,,,AAABBBCCCDDD,,iOS Device 1,,,Serial
,,,,apple002,,,ios,,,,,AAABBBCCCDDD,,iOS Device 2,,,Serial

Example 3: When creating associated Users and Devices with Keycode

user0001,Test User 1,,User description 1,apple001,,123,ios,,,,,,,iOS Device 1,,,Keycode
user0002,Test User 2,,User description 2,apple002,,123,ios,,,,,,,iOS Device 2,,,Keycode

Example 4: When only creating Devices with Keycode

,,,,apple001,,,ios,,,,,AAABBBCCCDDD,123,iOS Device 1,,,Keycode
,,,,apple002,,,ios,,,,,AAABBBCCCDDD,123,iOS Device 2,,,Keycode

Check the link for device information

1. Go to [[CONFIG]] > [[Device]] and click the[[Identifier]] of the device you want to check, and check the [[DEP Enrollment]] field in the bottom of the Device Detail screen.



DEP Device:

Once the DEP device has been set up and checked in, the serial number of the DEP device will be displayed.


DEP Profile:

Once the DEP device has been set up and checked in, the DEP profile name associated with the DEP device will be displayed.