iOS 7.0+


BizMobile Go! provides the ability to automate iOS device deployment and MDM registration using the Device Enrollment Program (DEP) provided by Apple.


To use this feature, you must register for an account with Apple Business Manager. For more information, please visit the following Apple website.


Note: The URL is current as of May, 2022. The URL and content of the website may be changed without notice by the website operator.


The device that can implement DEP and automate MDM implementation is an iPhone or iPad with iOS 7 or higher, purchased by the company from each mobile carrier.


Enable DEP feature

If you want to start using DEP, please check here.


Register device to Apple Business Manager


Registering a DEP device to the server

If your carrier or distributor has already registered your DEP device with Apple Business Manager, you can learn how to enable your DEP device and how to verify that it is enabled.


DEP device registration using Apple Configurator 2

If you have not yet registered your DEP device with Apple Business Manager and want to use Apple Configurator 2.5 to register your DEP device, please check here.


DEP Profile

Learn more about the DEP profile required to register your device with BizMobile Go! using DEP.

Associating device information with DEP devices

For information on how to associate device information with DEP device information, please check here.


Associating device information with DEP devices

For information on how to associate device information with DEP device information, please check hsere.


Check-in DEP device

Please refer to this page for the initial setup of the DEP device.


Update Apple DEP token

For instructions on how to renew an Apple DEP token that you have obtained from Apple when it expires during the DEP activation process, please check here.


About alarms related to DEP

For a list of alarms that occur only when the DEP function is enabled, click here.