Unit Detail
General | |
Unit Information | Display unit information. |
Unit Timezone | Display unit timezone. *Users cannot change the timezone setting. Contact Admin for timezone setting. |
Automated Sync Timing | Display daily automated synch start timing. |
Check in Email Information | Set Email subject and body for check in email. |
Check in SMS Information | |
Duration Change of "Not Responding" | Operator can customize the duration of “Not-responding”. Default value is 3 days. |
Alarm Email Setting | BizMobile Go! supports to send Alarm notification email to designated email address up to 10 whenever designated alarm raises. |
Device Management Report Setting | BizMobile Go! supports to send Device Management Report to designated email address up to 10 with send timing. |
Device Registration Expiration | Operator can set a defined registration period to enroll the devices and raise alarms when enrollment period expires. |
Option | Set message read due term (Messaging service enabled only) |
Location Settings |
Apple | |
Apple Information |
Display Apple related information including iTunes Region and Apple Push Certificate information. |
Apple Configuration | Display Renter Role access right. Not in use. |
Apple Activation Lock Bypass |
Display if you allow supervised device set activation lock bypass.
Download CSV file of activation lock bypass codes list. |
Apple ID Note |
Note function to enter access information of Apple Push Certificate, DEP/VPP Token. Please utilize this area to keep correct access information for each Apple ID. |
VPP Invitation Email Information | You can edit the subject line and body of the email used for the VPP invitation email when distributing VPP apps on a per-user basis. |
Android | |
EMM Information |
Android EMM related information |
Zero-touch Information | Android Zero-touch related information |
Windows | |
Windows 10 Bulk Enrollment |
When registering Windows 10 devices in batches, you can create a file for batch registration here. |
Windows 10 Store Settings | This setting is required for store app distribution to Windows 10 devices. |
Alarm Notification Email Sample
Subject BizMobile Go! Alarm notification: {{Alarm}} Body This email is an automated notification, please do not reply. Below alarm raises in unit: bmqa of BizMobile Go! Please login to BizMobile Go! to handle necessary operation for the alarm. BizMobile Go! URL: https://mdm.bizmo.in Alarm type: {{Alarm}} Date: {{Date and time which the alarm raised}} Template: {{Template name}} * “N/A” is displayed for template name if no template is assigned to the device User: {{User Name}} * “N/A” is displayed for user name if no user is assigned to the device Device Identifier: {{Device Identifier}} * “N/A” is displayed for device identifier if the alarm is not related to device Severity: {{” Warning”, “Major”, “Minor” or “Critical” is displayed depending on the severity}}
Device Management Report Sample
Subject BizMobile Go! Unit {{unit name}} Daily/Weekly/Monthly Device Management Report YYYY/MM/DD Body This email is an automated notification, please do not reply. This email reports device management status of BizMobile Go! {{unit name}} unit. Please login to BizMobile Go! to refer detail status. BizMobile Go! URL https://as-mdm.bizmo.in 1. Device Sync Status Synchronized: XX Sync Requested: XX Sync Required: XX Not Synchronized: XX Not Responding: XX 2. Device Registration status Enrolled: XX Enrolling: XX Expired: XX Withdrawn: XX 3. Active Alarm count: XX Critical: XX Major: XX Minor: XX Warning: XX 4. Admin locked devices count: XX iOS: XX Android: XX 5. Banned application device count: XX iOS: XX Android: XX macOS: XX tvOS: XX ■ Enrolled Device List https://as-mdm.bizmo.in/controls/sync ■ Installed Banned Apps List https://as-mdm.bizmo.in/location/deviceBanned ■ Log List https://as-mdm.bizmo.in/log/operation