Application information

Configure applications to be installed on the managed device.


App Store apps (iOS)

Google Play Store apps (Android)

In House apps

Windows Store for Business apps (Windows 10)


Distribution Methods by OS for Application

  Device mode Managed (*1) Device user operation


Supervised mode

Input Apple ID

* Not required if using VPP or In-House app

not Supervised

Input Apple ID

* Not required if using VPP


Device Owner mode


*In-house apps with Android 6+

App List

* Silent installation only for in-house apps for Android 6.0+ (*2)

not Device Owner mode × App List
Windows 10 - Silent installation (*2)


(*1) Managed means that it is under the control of BizMobile Go! Managed apps can be uninstalled from BizMobile Go! Also, when a managed device is unregistered from BizMobile Go!

(*2) Silent installation is an installation that does not require device user operation.